Home > SmartWayDudu

Daftar Sekarang

12 Month plan
USD 3500
IDR 520,000
USD 75.00
6 Month plan
USD 2500
IDR 380,000
USD 45.00

* Harga dapat berubah sesuai dengan perubahan nilai tukar mata uang.
Estimasi harga dalam Rupiah hanya digunakan sebagai acuan umum.
Pastikan nilai tukar aktual di bank atau aplikasi pembayaran yang anda gunakan.

Keuntungan menggunakan Dudu

Dudu adalah sistem pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin pertama yang dipersonalisasi di Singapura, membantu siswa meningkatkan
kemahiran berbahasa Mandarin mereka melalui membaca yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kecepatan belajar masing-masing.

Fun Games
Story Books
Little boy

Koleksi buku kami

Buku-buku Dudu mencakup 13 tingkat kesulitan, di mana setiap tingkat kesulitan setara dengan satu tahun pengalaman belajar.
Berbeda dengan sebagian besar produk pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin untuk anak-anak lainnya, Dudu mengedepankan
pembelajaran adaptif. Yuk, lihat beberapa video terbaik dudu:

niandegushi.jpg xiaolaoshu.jpg huadashu.jpg mingluosunshan.jpg xiaoxiaoleP6.png zuliguan.jpg
kongzhongxiaowu.jpg Xiaoshudi.jpg yeputao.jpg xiyouji11.jpg zuiqianglaoba.jpg tangpoem.png

Kata mereka tentang Dudu ....

I have been using Dudu town for the past two years. Apart from assigning the correct level of books for the pupils to read, the application also includes audio, 汉语拼音 and quizzes...

- Ms. Ng,
Chinese Teacher in a Primary School

I really like the dialogic questions provided by Dudu. After finishing the books, I don’t need to hassle to check my students’ reading ...
Teacher Jessy Tu, <br> International Education Expert

- Teacher Jessy Tu,
International Education Expert

Dudu significantly helps the students to read, especially the audio narration effectively increase students' interest in reading and help them to understand the content of the book...

- International School Chinese Teacher

After using Dudu, the students can actively express their opinions in class, and their reading level has also improved significantly! The illustrations of Dudu e-books are beautiful ...

- Singapore School Chinese Teacher

Dudu is really good for the kids to improve Chinese reading and comprehension. We parents can help supervise children's Chinese reading at home

- Minhua,
Parent of a child studying in Sha Tin Junior School

Despite their relative short period of usage (less than 3 months), I observed the boys were doing more regular reading as they were able to make good progress on the interactive ebooks on their own...
Mrs May Tan,<br> Mum of Gordon and Brandon, Primary 6 and Primary 5

- Mrs May Tan,
Mum of Gordon and Brandon, Primary 6 and Primary 5

I discovered Dudu through my school as they introduced it to me at primary 3 or primary 2. I sign-up for Dudu as I find it very interesting. I read 2 – 3 books every day. I improved and I'm much more confident in speaking loud using Chinese. I love Dudu.

- Eliza, Primary 5

Previously, I used Dudu as a teacher in school. Now, I’m a parent user. Dudu is interactive and Nathan enjoys getting the little awards and of course, the games at the end...
Esther Foong Tan,<br>Mum of Nathan, Primary 1

- Esther Foong Tan,
Mum of Nathan, Primary 1

Grace has been using Dudu for 2 months and she can navigate through Dudu easily and reads around 10 books per week...
Joan,<br> Mum of Grace, K2

- Joan,
Mum of Grace, K2

My son is very weak in Mandarin and lost interest in reading Chinese books over time due to his inability to sound out the words independently...
Jie En,<br>Mum of Jonas, Primary 1

- Jie En,
Mum of Jonas, Primary 1

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